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"A writer at the very top of his game."
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Martin Roy Hill's Works
DUTY: Suspense and Mystery Stories from the Cold War and Beyond
Eden: A Sci-Fi Novella
Empty Places
Hitler Is Coming
Marque and Reprisal
Polar Melt: A Novel
The Butcher's Bill (Linus Schag #2)
The Killing Depths
The Last Refuge
WAR STORIES: Tales of Courage, Leadership, Blunders, and SNAFUs
The Last President
The Fourth Rising
No Hill to Die On
Martin's Writing Blog
7th Plague Not Scary but Satisfying
A Living Character in Live and Let Die
A Lunar Commentary on Earthbound Men
A New Planet, Sci-Fi, and Human History
A New Year and the Year Just Passed
A Powerful Author of Dystopian Tales
A Search for Peace Extremely Denied
A Tale of the Stress of Wartime Command
A Touch of Humor, A Touch of Noir
All that Glitters In Hollywood Isn't Gold
Billy Boyle Mixes Noir Mystery with War Novel
Black Heart a Story of Belief and Redemption
Block's 'Tombstones:' A Walk Among Genius
Blog Archives
"Eden," New Sci-fi Novella, Available for Pre-order
"Goliath": A Serious, and Seriously Fun, Thriller
"Nightstalkers" a Rip-Roaring Military Sci-fi Adventure
"No Mercy" a Delightful Romp Through Mayhem
"Private Gentleman" Presents an Elegant Study of Character
"Quiller" Still a Cold War Classic
"Scavenger" a Reality Show Gone Awry
"Stonehenge Legacy" Offers Chilling Suspense
"The Report on UFOs" a Most Unusual Book
'Blood Oath' a Hitchcockian Suspense Thriller
50 Years Later, Farentheit 451 Still Holds Up
6th Extinction Thrilling, Thought-Provoking, and Frightening
A MilSciFi Adventure Straight Out of the Great Age of Sail
A Must Have Book for Every Writer
A Novel With Unrealized Ambition
A Sneak Preview of MRH's Next Book, 'Eden'
A Subtle but Power Tale of Horror
A Subtle but Powerful Horror Tale
A Wonderfully Witty Literary Thriller
After More than 100 years, Quatermain Is Still a Legendary Hero
Anna Pigeon hangs tough in "The Rope"
Anne Hillerman following her father's footsteps, but not standing in his shadow.
Area 51 a Fast Paced, Exciting Read
Bob Mayer Mixes SciFi with Military/Political Thrillers in "The Rock"
Brotherly Love and Revenge: 'Brotherhood of the Rose'
Butcher's "Storm Front": Phillip Marlowe Meets Harry Potter
Child's "The Third Gate" Starts Slow but Builds Excitement
Coming of Age in a Dystopian Future
Cussler's "Corsair" a Fast-Paced Thriller
Dare I Call It Murder? a Compelling, Unnerving Book
Dark Suspense at the Top of the World
DeMille's "General's Daughter" Still Timely
DeMille's "Night Fall" a Thought-Provoking Look at TWA Tragedy
DeMille's "Up Country" a Walk Through Youthful Memories of War
Dick's Man in the High Castle Still a Classic
DUTY named Best Short Story Collection by SDBAA
ELDORADO a Sober, Realistic Look at Our Future
Empty Places on sale for 99 cents!
Expect the Unexpected In "Savage Payback"
Forget the Movie, Morrell's "First Blood" Is a Classic
Free download for "Duty: Suspense and Mystery Stories from the Cold War and Beyond"
Friendship and Betrayal in The Naked Edge
From the Fog of War to the League of Fog and Night
Gettysburg: Three Days that Saved the United States
Green's Diabolist a Thrilling, Terrifying, and Haunting Read
Heinlein's "Harsh Mistress" Masterful
Hello and Welcome
High Level Conspiracies Abound in Meltzer's "Fate"
Impressive Thriller Laced with History
It's Here Now! "Empty Places" Now Available
It's Here! "Killing Depths" Is Now Available!
Looking for Justice in an Unjust War
Loyalty and Betrayal in Higgins' "Eagle Has Landed"
Matheson's Legendary "I Am Legend"
Mayer's "Kennedy Endeavor" a Thriller and History Lesson
Meet the Characters from "Empty Places"
Morrell's "Murder" Is Fine Art
Morrell's Last Reveille a Study of Soldiers Old and Young
Mystery Great Robert Wade Passes
New Mystery Magazine Is Launched
New Novel, "Killing Depths," Heads into Final Production
Pirates, Cannibals, & Marco Polo - And a Believable Plot
Realistic Action in "Resolute Action"
Realistic Action in Mayer's 'Eyes of the Hammer'
Redemption for a Very Bad Man
Review of Whitley Strieber's "Critical Mass"
Review: "Chopper Music," by Jay Allan Storey
Review: "Woken Furies" by Richard K. Morgan
Review: 'Atlantis' by Bob Mayer
Review: A Must-Have Book for Indie Authors
Review: Courage Above & Beyond in The Finest Hours
Review: David Morrell's "Creepers"
Review: Douglas Preston's "Impact"
Review: Expansive Homage to the Greatest Generation
Review: For Three Violent Men, Letting Go Is Hard to Do
Review: Holmes Lives in The Last Moriarity
Review: Jeff Shaara's "A Blaze of Glory"
Review: MATTERHORN: An Addition to the Great Anti-War Novels
Review: Phillip Kerr's "Prague Fatale"
Review: Predator Strike! Lands on Target
Review: Richard K. Morgan's Altered Carbon
Review: Simmering Suspense & Horror in The Totem
Review: Surviving a Strange and Alien World
Review: The Arx: Hitchcockian Noir and a Dash of Sci-Fi
Review: The U.S. Civil War Through a Cannoneer's Sights
Review: Whitley Strieber's "The Grays"
Romance and Adventure Discovering the Man Behind Shakespeare
Salvation and Suspense In Fraternity of the Stone
Science and Religion in "The Eye of God"
Strieber's 'Hybrids' a Genre Bending Mix of Sci-Fi and Horror
Strieber's 2012 Thoughtful, Imaginative
Swashbuckling Action in the Modern Age
Tag, I'm It! I'm On a Blog Tour!
The Egyptian: A High-Speed Race for the Secret of Eternal Life
The Martian Chronicles: Better the Second Time Around
The Martian: Oh, wow, wow, wow.
The Next Big Thing Blog Hop
The True Story of Breaker Morant's Fate
Tips for Publishing on Kindle Direct
Two Warriors, Centuries Apart, Save the World
Using Technology to Find Time to Write
Victorian Murder and Vengeance in Inspector of the Dead
What Does Science Know? There's the Rub
Bob Mayer's I, Judas Is a Thinking Man's Adventure
Byzantine Intrigue and Betrayal in 'The First Wave'
Casino Royale: The Real Bond - James Bond
Character-Driven Plot in Higgins' To Catch a King
Confessional: Angels With Dirty Faces...and Guns
Einstein Prophesy Offers Best of Archeology and Horror Genres
Everything Old Is New Again—Especially in Hollywood
First Assassin: Gone With the Wind Meets Day of the Jackal
Flash Fiction: When Less Is More
Forget 1984. This Is the Book Americans Should Read
How Shakespeare Influences Our Everyday Writing
How Thrillers Get to Those Exciting Climaxes
International Thrills in "Killer City"
Internet Research for Writers
Jekyll Revelation - Slow Start but Compelling Read
Manchurian Candidate: 50-Year-Old Novel With a Warning for Today
Martin's Writing Blog
Are We Over-Writing Our Stories?
Fascism in America in Fact and Fiction
Layton Green's 'The Summoner' Suspenseful and Horrifying
McKinty's Rain Dogs: Love Lost. Death. New Life
Violence 101: A Primer for Writers
Military Law Enforcement for Crime Writers
Moonraker - Continuing Proof Hollywood Ruined James Bond
Murder In a Land Where Life Is Cheap
Organizing Your Review and Publicity Campaign
Policing the Covert World in "The Cellar"
POV: First Person or Third Person?
Put an OOPART in Your Next Sci-Fi Plot
Review: Nearly 3 Decades Later, Polar Star Still a Solid Read
Shadow Cartel - Death Cults and Drug Cartels
Testament: Hard to Read, but Worth Reading
The Other Side of Book Reviews: How Writing Reviews Can Improve and Promote Your Books
The True Facts Behind the Plot of The Butcher's Bill
Travis McGee: A Classic Returns
Tweaking MS Word to Work for You
Two Software Programs to Help Your Writing
What's In a Name? Or a Book Title?
What's In Your Character's Background?
What's on Your Writer's Bookshelf?
When a Captain Isn't a Captain: Military Ranks for Writers
When Fact Is Stranger than Fiction
Your Cover Blurb - Selling, Not Telling Your Book
Your Logline - The Hardest Sentence You'll Ever Write
…ever wondered where fact and fiction merge in a novel?… Author Martin Roy Hill knows…
Black Heart Arrival
Common Writing Mistakes
Job of thrillers
Want to Be a Writer
fifth profession
Writers Mews
Artificial Intelligence
Parsifal True Story
Meet Martin Roy Hill
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Video Trailer for DUTY
Video Trailer for EMPTY PLACES
Video Trailer for The Butcher's Bill
Video Trailer for THE KILLING DEPTHS
Video Trailer for THE LAST REFUGE
War Catches Up with Billy Boyle
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