DUTY: Suspense and Mystery Stories from the Cold War and Beyond

Duty. Training instills it in every soldier, sailor and airman. It moves them to perform difficult, sometimes impossible tasks. In this collection of previous published and new short stories, author Martin Roy Hill explores the sense of duty that drives men in desperate situations.In the title story, "Duty," a Cold War soldier faces the prospect of starting WWIII. In "Something Far Away," a former Coastguardsman must face his ghosts from the past. A Navy investigator faces a different kind of ghost aboard a nuclear aircraft carrier in "Destroyer Turns." "Brandenberg's Diaries" tells the story of a retired spy's last mission during Glasnost. A group of soldiers faces the curse of war over several generations in "The Stragglers." And in "The Use of Innocence," a Vietnam vet contemplates a younger generation eager for another war.

* Winner of the 2012 San Diego Book Awards Best Short Story Anthology/Collection Award.

* Also a Reader's Favorite selection.

* Named Indie Book of the Day by indiebookoftheday.com.

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